Text Analytics for Omnichannel Growth

Enhance your understanding of the relationships with your customers and ensure results across all contact channels with our Interaction Analytics solution.

Key features of Xdroid’s
Interaction Analytics

Speech & Text Analytics under one single platform.
Expand your existing VoiceAnalytics solution with chat, email and social media analysis to cover all of your customer touchpoints. Interaction Analytics contains all VoiceAnalytics features plus the following additional functionalities:

Customer Journey

Show each interaction for any specific customer case or the average daily/weekly/monthly interactions of a customer.

Text Visualization

Keyword and sentiment visualization, tags, quality control, metadata and notifications are the same like in the voice player.

Automated Quality Management

Automatically score chat and email interactions based on customized KPIs, filtering those interactions that need

Interaction Type Filtering

Filter based on interaction types; Voice, Chat and E-mail. Or based in sub-types; Twitter, Facebook, Corporate Bot.

Interaction Charts

Contact by interaction type, interaction types over time, interaction types per category and interaction types volume trends.

Interaction AI for Deep Customer Knowledge

Text based interactions have become an important feature of every customer-facing business and the array of insights behind these interactions is enormous. With customer expectations being higher as never before, you need to establish a consistently positive service to achieve business goals and strengthen customer relations. Xdroid’s Interaction Analytics will help you ensure excellent customer experience across all channels, through the opportunity to detect and immediately address low customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the platform will provide you valuable insights on what customers are saying about your brand. Read the following article to find out more on how an omnichannel strategy with Interaction Analytics can help your business.

Why Interaction Analytics

• Augment the findings of customer calls to chat and email interactions on other platforms to build on and improve your customer’s journey
• Optimize your omnichannel strategy and generate insights to further enhance your offerings to customers
• Delve deeper into the study of consumer behaviour
• Follow interactions at every stage
• Identify customer needs and requirements across channels
• Measure service level at every point of the customer journey
• Track and analyse brand performance and engagement
• Immediately detect and address negative customer experiences
• Have the information to personalize customer experience across channels

Xdroid’s Interaction Analytics enables you to capitalise on your Omnichannel strategy with analysis based on the vast array of data sets, the benefits of which are truly innumerable.

Transforming Customer Journey

Improve your customer journey and take it to the next level with unified speech and text analytics. Establish multiple touchpoints and study consumer behavior across different platforms with Xdroid’s Interaction Analytics to develop and maintain a more profound, long-term relationship with your customers.

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